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Family Law Services
Delivering powerful
solutions to get you results.
child custody
Child Custody Evaluations/Social Investigations
These evaluations are done to assist the Court in making decisions regarding time-sharing of children when their parents no longer live together. An assessment is done of the adults' capacities for parenting, the psychological functioning and developmental needs of the children, and the ability of each parent to meet these needs.
collaborative divorce
Collaborative Divorce Mental Health Neutral
The Collaborative Process is a peaceful way to resolve family matters such as divorce, custody, and parenting plans.
The Collaborative Process engages a professional team of a lawyer for each party plus financial and facilitation neutrals to help you learn everything you need to know to make the best decisions about your future, retain control over your divorce or other family matters, keep your dispute private, and plan a better future for your re-structured family instead of battling each other in court.
co-parenting counseling
Co-Parenting Counseling
Assisting parents who are no longer together to parent their children in a way that is healthy and functional.
Family Mediation
Mediation of issues related to family matters, both pre and post dissolution of marriage. Issues may include, but are not limited to, time-sharing, scheduling, the children's activities, school decisions, etc. Mediation can be done with individuals who are represented by an attorney and with individuals who are pro se.
family mediation
Home Studies
State and private agencies want a level of assurance that a child is being placed into a safe, healthy and nurturing family and home. I am certified to complete a home study for adoption or custody evaluation.
home studies
Reunification Counseling
Reunification counseling is used when a parent has been separated from a child(ren) for a period of time or when their relationship is strained for a variety of reasons including but not limited to: parental alienation, incarceration, abuse, trust issues or addiction. I help the parent and child(ren) re-establish communication and work to rebuild their relationship.
reunification counseling
Guardian ad Litem
A GAL helps the voices of children involved in judicial proceedings be heard. These children may be abused, neglected, abandoned, or embroiled in their parents' ongoing litigation. The GAL represents the child and his/her best interests in Court, and independently conducts a thorough investigation on behalf of the child via record review and through the interviews of many people involved in the child's life. A report is created with recommendations on what is best for the child.
guardian ad litem
Supervised Visitation
Supervised visitation is ordered through the Court for a variety of reasons. I can provide this service in your home, in my office, or out in the community.
supervised visitation
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