Areas of Expertise
Delivering powerful
solutions to get you results.
Evaluations for ADHD​
Comprehensive evaluations include an IQ test, academic testing, along with teacher, parent, and student input, when applicable. The IQ test provides information about how the individual learns along with how he/she does on tasks involving working memory and processing speed, areas which are often difficult for those with attention problems. The academic testing shows how the student does on both timed and non-timed tasks, and is a way to rule out any underlying learning disabilities. The evaluation comes with a report detailing the results and providing interventions to assist the individual at home and at school.
Behavioral Issues​
Observations of the child are done in the school or daycare setting to assist in determining the function or triggers of the misbehaviors and to help formulate a plan to address them.​
Standardized Testing
Evaluations are conducted to determine the need for additional time or other accommodations on high-stakes testing. The report can be submitted to the school guidance counselor for accommodations in school, and for older students, the report can be submitted for accommodations on the college entrance and graduate school entrance exams.
Parenting Coordination Services for Families in
High Conflict
The PC makes recommendations and assists high-conflict families in making decisions about their children. Meetings are held individually, jointly, and telephonically, when appropriate.
Learning Disabilities
​Comprehensive evaluations include an IQ test, academic testing, and cognitive process testing. Evaluations may rule out a learning disability, or may yield a diagnosis of dyslexia (reading disability), dysgraphia (writing disability), or dyscalculia (math disability). The evaluation comes with a report detailing the results and providing interventions to address the academic deficits.
In-Home Observations​
Observations are done in the home setting, during times when difficulties may arise such as getting ready for school, getting ready for bed, mealtimes, or unstructured play time. These observations help the examiner determine the triggers for the misbehaviors and how the current environment may be inadvertently contributing to them. Observations help the examiner in the creation of the behavioral plan.
Toilet Training
Intensive, one-day toilet training program is implemented with both typically developing and non-typically developing children. Parents are trained on how to implement the program as well so they can continue to use its strategies, if necessary.
Co-Parenting Counseling
Assisting parents who are no longer together to parent their children in a way that is healthy and functional.
Home Studies
State and private agencies want a level of assurance that a child is being placed into a safe, healthy and nurturing family and home. I am certified to complete a home study for adoption or custody evaluation.
Child Custody Evaluations/Social Investigations
These evaluations are done to assist the Court in making decisions regarding time-sharing of children when their parents no longer live together. An assessment is done of the adults' capacities for parenting, the psychological functioning and developmental needs of the children, and the ability of each parent to meet these needs.
Reunification Counseling
Reunification counseling is used when a parent has been separated from a child(ren) for a period of time or when their relationship is strained for a variety of reasons including but not limited to: parental alienation, incarceration, abuse, trust issues or addiction. I help the parent and child(ren) re-establish communication and work to rebuild their relationship.
Supervised Visitation
Supervised visitation is ordered through the Court for a variety of reasons. I can provide this service in your home, in my office, or out in the community.
Gifted Eligibility​
An IQ test is given to determine possible eligibility for the Gifted program.
Intervention Plans​
After the examiner has had the opportunity to observe the child at school and/or in the home, a plan is created. Parent input is also gathered during an in-office consultation. A specific plan is created which details strategies that parents and/or teachers can use to address the behavioral issues with the ultimate goal of creating more happiness and success in all settings.
Family Mediation
Mediation of issues related to family matters, both pre and post dissolution of marriage. Issues may include, but are not limited to, time-sharing, scheduling, the children's activities, school decisions, etc. Mediation can be done with individuals who are represented by an attorney and with individuals who are pro se.